BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH supports IAEA in Preparing a Document on Site Selection Criteria
Effective site selection criteria contribute significantly to a deep geological repository (DGR) program, as they support an effective discrimination of regions at the successive stages of site screening and selection. Therefore, the URF network of IAEA initiated a project to start identifying the best practices in the use of site selection criteria and the planning of corresponding siting procedures in IAEA member states. The results will be compiled in a Technical Report.
The project schedule provides a core group consisting of representatives from 10 countries with advanced DGR programmes (Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany (represented by BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH), Japan, Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA). At these meetings, upgrades of national site selection programs were given and preparatory work for the document continued (including definitions of vocabulary, development of document structure, categorization of site selection criteria, common issues vs. different issues in the national programs). As a result of the consultancy meetings, a draft document has been prepared compiling the experiences from the national site selection programs. This report has been discussed at plenary Technical Meetings from November 27 to December 1 in Vienna with participants from 28 countries.
IAEA’s objective is, by ensuring the integration of a broad range of practical experiences in establishing and using site selection criteria. A guidance document will be prepared that can effectively support starting Member States in developing national programs on that topic.