// Waste Management Strategies and Methods
The current state of storage of C-14 contaminated waste from German high-temperature and research reactors and strategy for their future disposal
The aim of the project was to quantify the quantities and activities of graphite/carbon from high-temperature reactors and research reactors in Germany that need to be disposed of, and to create a suitable conditioning and packaging concept considering the legal framework for interim storage, transportation, and final disposal. For the graphite/carbon from the THTR 300 and research reactors, as well as the nuclear fuel and graphite dust embedded in porous lightweight concrete from the AVR, a disposal concept was developed for deposition in the Konrad repository. Due to the high activity inventory of C-14 in the graphite/carbon from the AVR, disposal in a future repository for heat-generating waste is planned.
Research & Development
Short Infos
Runtime: 2013 - 2014
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) vertreten durch das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, beauftragter Projektträger Karlsruhe PTKA
Funding Code: