// Repository Design, Special solutions for the mining and construction industry
Expansion of mine workings for a high-level radioactive waste repository in claystone.
In the planning of a repository for heat-generating radioactive waste and spent fuel elements (abbreviated as HAW repository) in rock formations, the technical expansion of mine workings is crucial for the safe operation of the repository. From a rock mechanics perspective, the construction and safe operation of a HAW repository in rock without suitable expansion are not feasible. The rock properties (e.g., low to moderate strength, creep behavior, property changes depending on water content) in conjunction with the respective depth lead to high requirements for the load-bearing capacity of the used support system. In the AGEnT project, the project partners DMT GmbH & Co. KG and BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH aim to compile the requirements for the design of supporting structures in the mine workings of a repository in rock, develop fundamental technical solutions, and investigate possible interactions of the construction materials considered with the other components of the repository system, such as the host rock including pore water.
International Projects
Short Infos
Runtime: 2018 - 2020
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)
Funding Code:
DMT GmbH & Co. KG (DMT), Deutschland
// Forschungsbericht
Ausbau von Grubenbauen für ein HAW-Endlager in Tongestein. Abschlussbericht
Author(s): Philipp Herold, Eric Simo, Hans-Joachim Engelhardt, Hannes Rauschel, Jürgen te Kook, Bernd Pflüger, Carsten Scior, Axel Studeny
Language: Deutsch
Herold P.; Simo E.; Engelhardt H.; Rauschel H.; te Kook J.; Pflüger B.; Scior C.; Studeny A. (2020): Ausbau von Grubenbauen für ein HAW-Endlager in Tongestein. Abschlussbericht. AGEnT: Expansion of mine workings for a high-level radioactive waste repository in claystone.. BGE TEC 2020-26. BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH (BGE TEC), DMT GmbH & Co. KG (DMT). Peine